08 Mar
Crab’n Roll released
Crab’n Roll – our latest arcade game where you get to relive all those fun beachside memories at the touch of a screen. It’s simple. Just steer your curious little crab along the beach and try to collect the food that’s brought in by the waves. Avoid any litter the waves bring in and move… Continue reading
22 Feb
Beta tester wanted
andruids.com is looking for beta testers willing to file a report on our newest gaming app. If you are interested in participating in the beta test please send an email to betatest-roll@andruids.com. You need an Android OS compatible smart phone or tablet in order to participate.
10 Feb
03 Feb
Liar Liar on Android web market
Liar Liar is now also available on the Android web market that just launched: http://market.android.com/details?id=com.andruids.liarliar
28 Jan
Free version with more than 3000 downloads
The free version of Liar Liar has been downloaded more than 3000 times in roughly one month. The free version offers almost 1 hour of game play with a broad selection of funny and unbelievable cards. Check it out now on the Android market.